Steiner Education | Birali Steiner School Beachmere
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2025 - Prep to Class 6, Class 9/10

About Steiner Education

Steiner schools collectively form the fastest growing group of independent schools in the world. They are based on the work of Rudolf Steiner, who created a holistic educational experience. This experience enriches the life and development of the child on many levels.  

The aim of the curriculum is to educate the whole child through thinking, feeling and willing or as we say: “The Head, Heart & Hands”. The curriculum is broad and allows time for learning on a deeper level. 

Our teachers strive to achieve balance by developing each child’s potential in academic (thinking), social (feeling) and practical (willing) areas.  

Teachers in a Steiner school stay with their class through many years of learning which nurtures a strong sense of trust and provides a warm environment for families to grow together along with their children. 

Birali Steiner School works with the Australian Steiner Curriculum Framework, recognised by ACARA (The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority) as meeting the requirements of the National Curriculum. 

Click here to read more on the Steiner Education Australia website. 

Core Principles for Steiner Education in Ausltalia

Steiner education aims to support each child in realizing their potential to contribute positively to society. It fosters the growth of children into adults who can independently find meaning and purpose in their lives. Steiner education is deeply human-centered, recognizing that we are Human by Nature.

For more information on the core principles for Australian Steiner Schools, click here

Love, Life, Wisdom and Voice in Action

Click here to view more videos from Steiner Education Australia on key aspects of a Steiner Education.