Birali Steiner school have embarked on the journey to reconciliation. To help support us, we joined the Narragunnawali program from Reconciliation Australia and formed a Reconciliation Action Plan Team of staff and volunteers dedicated to continuing the Reconciliation work at Birali.
Narragunnawali (pronounced narra-gunna-wally) is a word from the language of the Ngunnawal people, Traditional Owners of the land on which Reconciliation Australia’s Canberra office is located, meaning alive, wellbeing, coming together and peace. Our own name, “Birali” (pronounced Ber-ra-lee) was given to the school by an indigenous elder, meaning “Creative Spirit” which embodies our vision for the school as a space for children to learn and grow.
Birali’s Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), works with our school culture and how we can best move forward and promote reconciliation. In May 2020, proudly, our RAP was submitted, reviewed and published by Narragunnawali (Reconciliation Australia). As a school and a community, we continue to strive to find ways of promoting the importance of Indigenous culture, past, present and future and ultimately ‘closing the gap’.
Birali Acknowledgement of Country
In keeping with the spirit of reconciliation, we acknowledge the Gubbi Gubbi people, Traditional owners of the lands where Birali Steiner School now stands, and we recognise that these lands have always been places of teaching and learning.
We wish to pay respect to Gubbi Gubbi Elders – past, present and emerging – and acknowledge the important role Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people continue to play within the Birali Steiner School Community.