Our History | Birali Steiner School Beachmere Campus
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2025 - Prep to Class 9


Birali Steiner School opened its doors on the 15th of April 2013 in the Beachmere Community Hall. 

Since then, we have continued to grow rapidly with classes now from Prep to Class 10.  We are now constructing stages 3 and 4 of our campus on Beachmere Road.

Our Story

The school was founded from a labour of love by parents in the community for their children. The school became a reality with much love, dedication, focus, and many hours of volunteer time by the families, community, and many professionals.

 Our school has received an abundance of support from our local community and the broader Steiner community. Gifted the name Birali (inspired by one of the Indigenous Creative Spirits “Biral”) by a local Indigenous elder, Birali Steiner School values our strong ties to the location’s First People. We greatly value the blessing they have bestowed upon us and their continued support for the school.